Junior Investment Management by TBS


Launched in 2016 as a tribute to Professor Nicolas Nalpas, Junior Investment Management by TBS aims to become the first leading student investment fund in France. It is the result of a close collaboration between the professors of the major Finance and its Alumni. Today, the association has a similar organization to that of a merchant bank with its supervisory bodies. It is a non-profit project with an educational purpose (management of a fund), which has the will to develop a durable and a lasting relationship with the companies, but also the faculty staff (MBA, MSc).

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/junior-investment-management/

Tristan RESSIAN (Président)


Maxime Parra

Trader pour compte propre depuis 2010 et finaliste de la première saison des Talents du Trading BFM Business, Maxime Parra est diplômé du Programme Grande École de SKEMA Business School et d’un Master en Analyse financière internationale obtenu à la Faculté de finance, banque et comptabilité de Lille.

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